Category: awards

Teaching award for Sara Chapman

Sara ChapmanCongratulations to Sara, who has received one of the 2012 University Awards for Outstanding Contributions to Teaching and Learning. This scheme recognises and rewards individuals who have made outstanding, on-going contributions to teaching and learning. This can either be through direct interactions with students, their support of staff within the School/section, or their contributions to a Faculty, Directorate or University initiative.

Gerard Unger wins the Piet Zwart Lifetime Achievement Award

Gerard Unger

Gerard Unger, Visiting Professor in the Department, has been awarded the Piet Zwart Lifetime Achievement Award. The award, instituted by the Association of Dutch Designers (BNO), will be given during the Dutch Design Awards (DDA) ceremony, on 21 October. The BNO has put out a substantial press release in Dutch only (go to the Google translated page).

Our warmest congratulations!


Typography goes to Buckingham Palace

Queen's Anniversary Prize group photo

We weren’t allowed to take photographs inside the Palace, so here are staff and students in the courtyard, still in a daze after the splendid ceremony and being presented to the Duke of Edinburgh (who, it can be revealed, likes his iPad because the type is big enough to read). From left to right: Edward Liu (MA Information Design), Pooja Saxena (MA Typeface Design), Eric Kindel, Paul Luna, Jeanne-Louise Moys (PhD student), Hannah Smith (BA Graphic Communication, Part 3), Sue Walker. Jake Giltsoff (BA Graphic Communication, Part 2) escaped before the picture was taken.