Congratulations to postgraduate researcher Bodil Mostad Olsen who has won the University’s prize for research communication in a poster competition, held as part of the University’s annual Doctoral Research Conference. Bodil’s communication of her research topic – the history of health communication on food labels – was judged top among a very competitive field of posters representing research across a wide range of arts, science and social science disciplines. Her poster illustrates her collections-based research. It shows the changing influences of scientific understanding of food hygiene and nutrition, food packaging technology, and societal change on the presentation of food to consumers from 1850–1970. This area of typographic and graphic communication practice, although influential in people’s everyday decision-making, has not been considered previously from this wide, contextual perspective.
Author: Alison Black
Professor Michael Twyman on forms design and the history of forms
(Cross posting from Centre for Information Design Research)
We are delighted to be able to point you to a video of one of a series of seminars for masters students and postgraduate researchers in the Department of Typography & Graphic Communication. The seminars, covering a range of topics, are given during the academic year by Professor Emeritus Michael Twyman.
This seminar focuses on the design of forms and its history, and draws together the Department’s research interests both in the history of printing and graphic communication and in the design of information for its users. The seminar demonstrates the use of material from collections and archives, which has been a key part of the Department’s approach to teaching and research since the 1970s.
We are grateful to the Friends of the University for funding the preparation of this recording.
Wednesday seminar: Elisa del Galdo
Elisa del Galdo will give a talk, ‘International User Experience: Designing Outside Your Borders’, on Wednesday, 24 November.
A specialist in user-centred design, Elisa has published widely on Internationalisation of products and systems (Designing User Interfaces for International Use, edited by J. Nielsen, and International User Interfaces, edited by E.M. del Galdo and J. Nielsen). She is the co-founder and past President of Products and Systems Internationalisation Inc., the organizers of the International Workshop on the Internationalisation of Products and Systems.
The talk, open to all, will be at 4.30 in Typography, E1.
Wednesday seminar: Max Gadney
Max Gadney will give a talk ‘Working in Information Design’ on Wednesday, 26 October.
Max is an information designer who describes his brief as ‘making useful data products’. He led the Design Team at BBC News Online for several years and now works as a consultant with clients including The Guardian, Channel 4 and Manchester City. He runs the Design of Understanding conference.
The talk, open to all, will be at 4.30 in Typography, E1.
Whether the weather

Pictures from our latest AHRC-funded LUCID postgraduate workshop, Designing the Weather. Designers, meteorologists and psychologists worked together to consider how the design of weather forecasts could be improved to increase public understanding, in particular how forecasts could be designed to show the differing probabilities of forecast events.
Click here for a video account of the workshop and its outcomes, and read more on the LUCID Ning and CIDR web site.