Karaoke Jewellery box  


In this session Habibah gave me three words the first two were based off things that she liked and the last word was a fun fact.

The words she gave were:

  • Zayn Malik
  • Jewellery
  • Her dad knows Mr Tumble

I Began to brainstorm some ideas however I found it really difficult to try incorporate all three of her words. Initially I came up with a jewellery box that was decorated in the Mr tumble theme colours, although I thought this idea was good, I quickly realised that I had not incorporated Zayn, which was her most important word. I then realised that I was thinking about generic gifts and things that probably exist already and the aim of this task was to make the ‘ideal gift’ for your partner meaning I could come up with anything.

For my final outcome I continued with the idea of a jewellery box decorated with the Mr Tumble theme but I added a flat screen on the lid of it so that when it opens you can chose the songs that you want it to play for you as well as having the lyrics displayed on the screen so that you can sing along, This way Habibah can listen to her favourite singer Zayn